Learning and growing together

Tree tops against a blue sky

Young trees are flexible, they bend with the wind and bow with the snow.  As they age, many become rigid, pushing back against the blows and burdens of each season. Yet some, surrounded by other trees that help diffuse the forces of nature, sustain those challenges and thrive as they press toward the sky.

People, like trees, may age with tension, limiting their ability to adapt to new conditions and opportunities. But people can often retain the flexibility of youth by exercising the mind and body and drawing upon the resources of community.  

This blog was created to foster learning with and for adults. Particularly, it welcomes the contributions of students and alumni engaged in instructional design and performance improvement, whether they are new entrants to the field or seasoned veterans. We all learn and grow together knowing that we humans develop throughout adulthood and that challenge and support provide a "just right" blend of tensions for supple minds regardless of one's chronological age. 

In this space I will invite students and colleagues to contribute ideas, reviews, and resources to support the community of organizational performance and workplace learning (OPWL) professionals at Boise State. Please check back for new posts! 

Vicki Stieha, Ph.D.

Vicki Stieha is an Associate Professor in the Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning Program at Boise State University, Boise, ID, U.S.A. She is an experienced educator/facilitator, researcher, and academic leader with over 20 years of experience in higher education. Dr. Stieha has developed and led innovative and award-winning educational programs, provided leadership on organizational boards, and consulted for a variety of educational organizations. Her current research and collaborations include designing and evaluating innovations with a focus on diversity in STEM and transitions from college to professions. Dr. Stieha holds an M. Ed. from Xavier University in English Education and a Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati in Educational Studies.


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